People often ask us whether we massage before we manipulate ....
Well ... do we?
Let's start by saying that for each and every session our Osteopaths allocate 40 minutes one-on-one time for you. Of this, 25 to 30 minutes is actual hands-on work, of which up to four minutes MAY BE 'manipulation (manipulation being the bit when we might click a joint in the spine or somewhere else in your body). The manipulation, if any is needed, is woven into the treatment in a cogent, therapeutic way designed to work for your body. But ...
... some people don’t need any joint manipulation (and we never, ever manipulate babies) ...
... some people don’t need any massage ...
... some people don’t need trigger point work ...
... some people don’t need any myofascial work ...
... some people don’t need cranial osteopathic techniques ...
And some people need the lot!
We assess each person and treat them as an individual basis. What this means is that our Osteopaths offer a lot more than 'massaging-before-manipulating' people that come to our clinic.
There are many facets to osteopathic treatment, and many ways to blend different techniques / approaches. We aim to provide a treatment that is gentle and helpful, no matter what age you are, from babies to the elderly.
I hope this answer helps!
Posted by: Joyaa Antares
Joyaa graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (UK) in 1987 and has completed extensive post-graduate studies in osteopathic care and research methodology. Typically, people of all ages and a wide spectrum of complaints come to his clinic. Adults and children present with back or neck problems, torticollis ("wry-neck"), headache, dizziness, and problems in the limbs and joints. Babies present with a range of musculo-skeletal issues. Joyaa is not a general physician or a surgeon, but as an osteopath he offers over 25 years of clinical experience. In this, he places prime emphasis on good communication, as well as your safety and comfort. He has been a Government-appointed member of the Osteopaths Panel of Assessors, a Clinical Supervisor to Osteopathic students at Southern Cross University and taught paediatrics at undergraduate and post graduate levels.